The Art of New Year New Me


We are already well into 2023 and the deluge of 'new year new me' posts are bombarding us!

Everyone is ambitiously setting goals for the year ahead and I find myself doing this as well. In fact, I am extremely guilty of overestimating all the things I can achieve not just in a year but on a daily basis.

I am not ashamed to say I am guilty of overestimating all the things I can do, over-subscribing and having a tendency to say yes to far too many things on a regular basis. This is not a pity pitch nor outreach for accolades. I, like many of you out there, lead a crazy busy life. I run a business. I have children. I teach. I attempt to run a household. I have a husband. I have friends AND I regularly drop some if not many of these balls.

I have a tendency to tell people I am going to do things when I know in reality it just is not possible. I need to take more time to do the things that NEED to be done and spend more time telling people about things I cannot do in the time frame they are asking me to work within.

A great example of that is when I see a client and I need to write a letter to their primary health care provider. I always say I want to do it before the end of the day when the reality is I have another eight patients to see before I get to go home and make dinner and go to the gym and maybe spend some time with my family. A reality check would suggest that at this point I take time within that appointment to do that work.

Perhaps I need to do less or expect less of myself on a day to day basis.

I need to not only fill my cup but overflow it. I heard this recently on a training call with @emmjack that we are constantly being told we cannot fill from an empty cup but if we have a full cup and we are constantly pouring it out to others, we are still emptying that cup.

I challenge you if you are taking the time to read this to look at the things you're doing in your life. It may not seem like alot, but maybe the things you are doing are depleting you. Maybe you are adding too many things to the plate and not bringing in the things that you actually want and need in your life to help that cup become full.

Instead of making resolutions to do more and achieve more, how about we try to do less and focus more on the things that WE NEED. It’s not about what society tells us but what our BODY needs and especially NOT what your best intentioned friends/colleagues, or even self help books tell you you need...but only what you FEEL you need.

Nicola Robertson

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist

Nicola Robertson