Are You a Good Cook?


I'm terrible. I hate following recipes. I find them frustrating and the finished product never looks like it does in the picture.

But what if rather than being told there was only ONE technique to use when we cook, we were offered DIFFERENT approaches. Well, you could add some salt or you could add some garlic if that's what you like. And yes, there are certain things that are important such as how long to cook the meat to ensure it's healthy. But as for the veggies, some like them crunchy, and some people like them softer.

When I use this logic in the world of physiotherapy, I question why we are taught that if somebody has problem A, we MUST use solutions 1,2, and 3. What if for problem A, we use all those things and we give the client options-different ways they can move their body, different ways they can build their strength.

How do you feel about that? Would you rather be given the recipe or the strategy?

Inspired by @ Antony Lo

Nicola Robertson

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist

Nicola Robertson