Autumn is in the air
The fall is ripe with fun activities, cooler temperatures, comfy sweaters, the smell of a fire burning in the fireplace and the changing colors of the trees, to name a few.
Raking leaves on a crisp autumn afternoon can be an enjoyable way to spend a fall afternoon, however, if you’re not careful it can lead to a night filled with back pain and little to no sleep.
When back pain hits, many of us gravitate to our couches thinking that we’ll feel better if we take it easy. However, a growing body of research shows that exercise and just movement, not rest, is the best medicine for chronic back pain.
Physical activity can strengthen muscles in the back and core, and improve flexibility in the spine, allowing us to move our bodies with greater ease and comfort.
What better time than the fall to become more active and enjoy the cool, crisp air. And while you are enjoying that healthy movement, you can grab that rake and make it even more gratifying!
So, to help you enjoy this unavoidable autumn activity, here are a few ways to take care of yourself and prevent injuries before they strike:
warm up
use proper equipment
practice good technique
switch hands
pace yourself
You can get through fall with a healthy back and a raked yard by moving in a smart way.
But as always, if you’re experiencing persistent back pain, we’re here to help.
Nicola Robertson
Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist