You are simply NOT part of a business plan in our clinic
Mistakes are a fact of life and something we all make and should learn from.
I've been a physiotherapist since 2006, and trust me, I am human, I've made lots of mistakes! In my experience the best thing you can do with mistakes is learn from them. Every misstep I have made in both my professional and personal life, I like to think I have learned from. This doesn't mean I'm perfect. In fact, I'm far from it. And the more I learn, the more I realize how little I do know.
The inspiration for writing this blog was a fairly recent interaction with a client who wasn't happy with the way I chose to run my business. They had an expectation of how they should be treated in the clinic and that that treatment, was not the way Diamond Physiotherapy practices.
I have worked very hard with my team to create an environment where every person coming through the door is, a person not a number, not a financial outcome, and not a dollar sign. You have a name, you have a personality, you have a story, and you have a reason to be there.
This person expected to be treated with machine gadgets and did not want to be doing a home exercise program as that was a ”waste of their time “.
I appreciate others views and expectations and I respect your right to choose where to go for treatment. However, my Team and I believe that gizmos and gadgets are temporary fixes that provide temporary relief.
Clicking, cracking and snapping are simple ways to make you feel better in the moment. There is nothing wrong with that form of treatment, but without a home program to follow that up, and a long term solution, you are simply a business plan.
Although we do enjoy your visits, we don't want you to have to see us every week/month indefinitely. You may need a maintenance program and to pop in every six months or year-especially if you have ongoing chronic pain or a condition that might worsen from time to time or you forget your exercises.
We believe in building a community where your health is our number one priority, not how much money we are making.
From the moment you step in the clinic, we want you to feel welcome and if you don't, I want to hear about it.
We are constantly striving to make things better for our clients, and to provide the services you need in an environment where you can feel comfortable. Our clinicians are specialists in their areas because we believe you deserve the highest quality care. We keep up on research, we converse amongst each other, and work out the best treatment plans that we as a team can provide.
And while we may not be the right clinic for everyone, we are more than happy to help you find the best practitioner to get you on your road to recovery. We take great pride in our community partners. We have a wonderful family of health care providers around us that are always willing to work with any practitioners in the area, ensuring you get the care you need.
It's not a competition, it's a collaboration and it is all about you!
So if you want a clinic and clinicians who are going to attach you to machines and that's your style of treatment, we fully support that.
But if you want something unique, with long term solutions...our door is always open, ready to warmly welcome you.
Nicola Robertson
Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist