2024's Commitment To Lasting Transformations
Welcome to 2024! We've stepped into another new year, teeming with opportunities, reflections, and aspirations. Just like everyone else, I set goals and ponder on past experiences—sometimes big, sometimes small.
In my journey as a physiotherapist since 2006, my involvement in healthcare has been extensive, starting from volunteering at 15. Engaging with individuals of all ages, from sports enthusiasts to seniors, one recurring observation stands out: our penchant for quick fixes and instant solutions.
Our society's pace demands instant results. If changes aren't immediate, many tend to lose dedication, stepping back or giving up entirely. The sheer volume of information available, a simple online search producing endless data on remedies, medications, and potential causes, empowers us to self-diagnose and self-medicate. Yet, amidst this wealth of knowledge, what actions are we truly taking to better our health? We can decipher the nuances of headaches—dehydration, stress, sleep patterns, dietary habits—but the real question remains: what consistent efforts are made to manage health issues beyond momentary fixes?
We often seek answers from healthcare providers, myself included, desiring immediate solutions. Disappointment sets in when an instant cure isn't offered. But healthcare providers, though knowledgeable, aren't equipped with superhuman abilities; they're human. Sometimes, despite comprehensive tests, our bodies remain enigmatic, evading diagnosis.
It's time to shoulder some responsibility for our healthcare. Seeking support for sustainable solutions, focusing on long-term health improvements rather than quick remedies, is key. Changes take time; expecting a resolution in 24 hours is unrealistic. Weeks, even months, are often needed for substantial changes.
When consulting healthcare professionals like physiotherapists, chiropractors, or trainers, patience and dialogue are crucial. If symptoms persist after a few sessions, it's essential to communicate and reevaluate strategies. Transparency in expectations from both sides fosters better understanding.
I value honesty in healthcare, but it's not always comforting. The truth might be that your condition requires months, maybe longer, for significant improvements. It might be a chronic issue, but there are always avenues for support and choices to explore.
As you set your goals for 2024, remember: big changes require time. Embrace patience in the pursuit of lasting transformations.
Nicola Robertson
Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist